Someone needs this today. Maybe it’s you. Do you ever wonder what’s next? What are the next steps? Where is the next turn? Should you go left, or should you go right? Maybe I’ll just stay right here, that seems safe. Are you trying to find your own way? Are you wondering which way to go? Or maybe even you feel there is no way out of where you are. I have good news! Thank you Jesus that you are the Way Maker – that is who You are.
I remember many times trying to find my way through life. And at various stages of life. There are different ways we can verb this from just being ‘plain ole lost’ to being ‘wayward.’
That is who you are…when on your own. When you decide you don’t need God you are wayward. When you don’t know you need God, you are lost. If you are not fully turned, facing, and walking toward God, you are wayward and lost.
Revelation 3:15-16 NASB
15 ‘I know your deeds, that you are neither cold nor hot; I wish that you were cold or hot. 16 So because you are lukewarm, and neither hot nor cold, I will vomit you out of My mouth.
I believe God makes it clear here that it is possible to be a Christian…at least to have made a confession at one point to be a follower of Christ, but then just doing one’s own thing. This is what I would call talkin’ the talk but not walkin’ the talk. Guilty here – been there done that!
Wayward and Lost – Needing the Way Maker
I was lost at one time and wayward at yet another time in my life. Definitely, before I accepted Jesus into my heart, I was lost. You may have read the blog on my story. But then there was another time when I was wayward. When I stumbled and was not able to live up to expectations, I became jaded. I actually became very cold toward God. But I would tell others it wasn’t God, but God’s people who had jaded me. After all, it was God’s people who were stepping on me while I was down.
It took the Way Maker (Jesus) using the persistence of my mentor along with the great love and patience of my beautiful wife to bring me back around. Meditate to the words of this…
Are you lost and wondering where life is leading you? Have you asked Jesus into your heart already, but now have turned away…even partially, going wayward? It is time to come home.
Challenge of the Day: Come home. He is the way, the truth, and the life. And He is your rest, your peace, your healer, your provider, your life eternal. He can show you the way. He is the Way Maker. His name is Jesus Christ. Find your way through Him. So be it!
Email me at if you are lost or wayward and are struggling to get back home, the way back to Jesus. I’ve been down that same lost path, and it’s so good to be back home again!
Nancy Van Wyk says
Love this great truth and reminder!
Scott Ramsey says
Love that you love this great truth and reminder – me too!
Jeff Stucki says
Great post Scott. It is so easy to be lead astray in this modern Babylon. We must call on the Way Maker each day to reset our spiritual compass to True north. Being lukewarm is easy. Living for Him is not.
Scott Ramsey says
Great words Stucki. Good to hear from you!
Valerie Jones says
Love words and definitions and it is not surprising that Jesus is called the Logos, the Word. As a believer it is easy to become Wayward and lean on my own understanding daily vs. calling out the the Way Maker. As I hit the many challenges that is promised to come in this day (in this world you will have trouble.. Jesus has overcome the world), I am going to sing the verses of this song in my head and ask the Waymaker to show me His way. Blessings
Scott Ramsey says
Thanks for sharing Valerie. Yes, words and definitions bring clarity and understanding. I too love that Jesus is called the Word and is the Word.