Like Lazarus, it is time to rise up! But do you ever feel like you are stuck? It feels like your life is in a rut. It might as well be like Lazarus in a tomb with a stone rolled in front of it. You are not motivated, you don’t feel moved, and/or you just don’t have the energy. Lazarus, rise up!
Most of the time it is just a matter of getting up, and then start moving! But let us look at some circumstances, obstacles and roadblocks that could be a challenge.
John 11:23 & 43-44a niv
23 Jesus said to her, “Your brother will rise again.”
43 When he had said this, Jesus called in a loud voice, “Lazarus, come out!” 44 The dead man came out.
Rise Up? I Am Not Lazarus.
Here’s a shortlist of why someone might not rise up to the occasion:
- “I am not worthy.” They don’t feel they deserve it.
- It is too much to handle. So they put it off.
- They are too proud to ask for help. So they just let it slip away.
- The expectations are not realistic. They want instant success so they give up too soon.
- The motivation is wrong. So they lack the consistent drive and stall out.
- Too concerned about what others will think. So why risk it?
- Fear of rejection and/or failure. It is easier to be safe and not rise to the occasion.
- Lack of follow-through. See any of the above and apply this one.
- Depression or mental exhaustion. Healing and support are needed first.
Under the Circumstances
Tired of being under the circumstances? Here are a few things to consider. First, no excuses. The moment you start coming up with excuses, you are already on your way to failure. Those who rise up are those who find a solution to overcoming the circumstances that they are under or up against.
This brings to mind our mind. We need to renew our minds. It’s time to mind our own business. We can only do this by renewing our minds…with the Word of God. This will allow us to overcome several obstacles that keep us from rising up. Depression, unsound thinking, and mental exhaustion can be overcome. This is where the Word of God, along with a Godly Mentor to guide us, can be life-changing.
As you set realistic goals, be persistent and be in it for the long haul. Anything worth having is worth the time it takes to get it.
The Sky is the Limit
In my life, I have spent years renewing my mind. I can’t help it, I have to mention my mentor again. He had to spend much time to help me unlearn all my bad habits and mindset. His challenge for me to be in the Word to renew my little brain took years. Learning the heart of God and aligning mine with the Word – the sky’s the limit now.
There is so much to share here to begin to move forward, come out of the darkness, wake up, and rise up. But today’s thoughts are a great start. Always remember:
You are walking with Jesus – He is always with you and will never forsake you. He is the living Word. Renew your mind with the Word. Walk and talk with Him in your every-day-walkin’-around-kind-of-life everywhere you go every minute of the day. Focus on what you are rising up to accomplish. Let your dream be in sync with God’s heart. Now you are on your way.
Challenge of the Day: Lazarus, rise up! Take what is yours. Rise up to what God has planned and purposed for you to do and accomplish. In doing so, you will be greatly blessed, greatly blessing others, and greatly blessing (lifting up) God. So be it!
Neil says
Awesome message today!! God has a plan for you to rise and do what you need to do to take your portion for the glory of God to do his plan for you for Him…
Scott Ramsey says
Well said Neil!