Well, this is my post that I call Words of Encouragement as a part of Your Everyday Life. But have you ever seen God run? Well today, I am going to share with you when God ran. Doesn’t sound very encouraging, does it? Let’s get into it.
Before I get into when God ran, let us talk about ways I have “ran” in my life. In this stage of my life, I tell people that I no longer run. I do what I call The Old Man Shuffle. Haha!
I used to be pretty fast…and quick. In Jr. High School (years later called Middle School), the only person who could outrun me was Eddie Price. And he probably still can. I have run in several fun runs and obstacle courses like the Spartan, The Warrior Dash, and the Color Run. But I am happy with my power walks now.
When Scott Ran
But I have also run from God – when Scott ran! I remember as a kid watching the church bus come around in the neighborhood picking kids up for church. I ALWAYS ran and hid! And, over the years even after accepting Christ, I ran. I ran from God. I felt hurt and justified and ran.
I wonder if God saw others do what I did, run! Was it you too? We have an example of someone running in Luke 15, the story of the Prodigal Son. The youngest son took all he had and ran! He lived a life separated from His father – not by the father’s choice. The father gave him the freedom to live his own life apart from him.
The son lived life until he was empty, exhausted, and unfulfilled…and hungry. He decided to eat his pride and come home. Long story short, he went home. When the father saw him, he ran to him. Crying tears of joy and running for all he was worth, the father ran to the son, hugged him, and welcomed him home.
I am not sure about you, but not what I expected. After squandering all his father gave him, living life to the fullest on the wild side, and then coming home depleted and empty? As a father, I would have been saying, “I told you so!” Actually, not sure how I would respond. I would be glad he was home and still love my son. But I would probably take the opportunity to have a little talk. But this father in Luke 15 celebrated!
Luke 15:11-32 NIV
Verse 20: So he got up and went to his father. “But while he was still a long way off, his father saw him and was filled with compassion for him; he ran to his son, threw his arms around him and kissed him.
When God Ran
So that is when God ran. He ran when He saw you coming home. When you decided you wanted to have a personal relationship with Him. When He saw you “coming home” He ran to you. He ran to me. That’s how much He loves us.
Don’t let the image you have of your earthly father, if it is dysfunctional in any way, skew the image of your heavenly Father. He loves you more than you know.
Challenge of the Week:
It is time to come home. Your (heavenly) Father is waiting. As soon as He sees you He will be running to greet you, arms open wide. So whether you are coming home, or already home, there is no better place to be than home. That is when God ran! So be it.