If you feel things beginning to already slip, it’s still early. Yes, we are already a fourth of the way through the year. But reset, keep focused and stay on course. Do not, whatever you do, justify anything short of greatness. Get everything out of this year that you expect. Can you say, “I deserve it!”
Justify (verb) – making an excuse to make ‘good ‘nuff’, mediocre, poor, or bad behavior or just not doing anything at all, seem okay.
Ever tried to justify something in which you could have done better? Or even something you know you shouldn’t have done? Sometimes you justify it based on what someone else did. “Well, they did it!” Or, the end justifies the means – “I cheated the system because I wanted my kids to have the best.” I deserve it.
I Am Justified
There are several studies on “justification” that I find interesting. One study took a group of people and had them focus on negative thoughts and words. A second group focused on positive and kind words and thoughts. Then they were asked to give money to charity. Those who focused on the negative gave $5 to every $1 of those who focused on positive and kind thoughts. Justification for their thoughts? I deserve it.
In another study, people who purchased environmentally safe products had a higher percentage of cheating and stealing compared to those who bought conventional products. Justification for doing something bad because they did something good? I will let you draw your own conclusion from those studies, but it sounds like someone felt justified because, “I deserve it!”
I’ve always heard it said, and done it a time or two myself, that you can justify anything. But be careful of the power of your words. They have the power to get you in trouble.
Matthew 12:36-37 AMP
But I tell you, on the day of judgment people will have to give an accounting for every careless or useless word they speak. For by your words [reflecting your spiritual condition] you will be justified and acquitted of the guilt of sin; and by your words [rejecting Me] you will be condemned and sentenced.”
The Other Side of the Coin
Okay, so we’ve all justified something (sin) at one time or another. But there is another side to being justified.
Romans 5:1-2 ESV
Therefore, since we have been justified by faith, we have peace with God through our Lord Jesus Christ. Through him we have also obtained access by faith into this grace in which we stand, and we rejoice in hope of the glory of God.
Jesus Set Us In A Good Place
There isn’t anything the enemy can whisper to you. And there isn’t anything an emotionally unintelligent person can say about you or to you. No one can say anything about you not being who you should be. Or not being good enough. And not being smart enough, or just plain stupid, bad, and/or undeserving.
Jesus has justified you. He fixed us. That’s all of us at one point – broken. Yes, we have all sinned and fallen short of God’s plan. His intention. His Glory. We’ve all been there with our actions at one point or another. Knowing what is right to do and not doing it is sin (James 4:17). So we at one point were underserving. But Jesus justified us. And though undeserving, He chose us. We are justified not on our own accord, but through Jesus.
That’s why it’s a good idea to recognize Jesus in your everyday-walking-around-kind-of-life. It’s a reminder to the enemy that we are justified by Christ. So don’t tread on me. 😃
Challenge of the Week:
Don’t settle. Don’t justify ‘good nuff.’ And certainly don’t justify knowing what is right, and so not doing it. Don’t justify any actions you are about to take if the actions are not justified in reflecting who Jesus is, as you walk with Him. So be it!