No this is not a support group about being stuck at an emotionally volatile time back in my childhood. “Hi, I am Scott. I am a child.”
Childish People Abound
We see people every day acting childish. It is seen in reactions to various situations throughout the day by all kinds of people. No one is excluded. No socioeconomic level is immune.
Think of someone who is being childish, and you’ll find someone who:
- continually seeks attention
- is often defensive
- usually associated with lying
- lacks responsibility
- blames others for their own situation
- can be reactionary and stubborn
- Oh, and it’s all about them, either:
- “Look at me!”
- “Don’t look at me,” even though they want you to look at them.
Instead, I Want To Be Childlike
Most of us (okay definitely me) have been accused of being childish at one time or another. That’s not who I was created to be. Being childlike, and being referred to in that way, is different. Let’s look at the definition of childlike:
So being childlike gives more of a positive vibe than being childish. No doubt. What does God’s word say about being like a child?
Matthew 19:14 NIV
Jesus said, “Let the little children come to me, and do not hinder them, for the kingdom of heaven belongs to such as these.”
You Were Made For More
I think we can all agree that Jesus isn’t referring to childish characteristics. Wow, this helps me put into perspective my everyday-walking-around-kind-of-life and how I am reflecting Jesus to others. Am I childish? I’ll plead the 5th.
Being childish isn’t who God designed me to be. I am a child of the Most High God! It is who I am.
And it is not just about whether we are childish or childlike. We are all being transformed. I am being transformed into who I am. You are as well! It is essential to understand, know, and come back to the fact that you are a child of the King. It is who I am. And It is who you are.
Challenge of the Week
Walk with Jesus, walk with Him, come to Him, with childlike qualities this week. Remind yourself each day that you are a child of the King. Allow Him to transform you into who you are. Into who you were designed to be. It’s who you are. So be it!