When it is all said and done, what are people saying about you? Because when it’s over, it’s over (what a profound statement). Let’s find some encouraging words here. Here are some funny epitaphs to start:
- “Here lies John Yeast, pardon me for not rising”
- “That’s all folks” (Mel Blanc – research here may be needed if you are a millennial for Saturday morning cartoons in the 60’s and 70’s)
- “Nobody believed me when I said my feet were killing me”
- “I told you I was sick”
- “Died from not forwarding that text to 10 other people”
These are from the tombstones of those who obviously had a sense of humor. I even saw one that caught my attention – it had a fudge recipe on it! 😊
When it’s over, when it’s all said and done, when you finally shed your earth suit, what is it that you want to be known for? Is it for something you accomplished? Or is it for who you were – as in a loving father or mother, husband or wife? Will it be defined by your work or business or maybe as someone who loved the Lord?
Two Views
There are two views. One, how we want to be seen or known. And two, how others see or know us. How do you want to be defined? How will others remember you? What will be said in those last words of farewell at your homecoming celebration (funeral)? What would:
- you actually have written on your tombstone – your epitaph?
- it say if someone else put the words on it?
I would be surprised if you’ve not been a part of a leadership or goal-setting training or exercise, where the trainer/presenter had you write what you wanted to be known for on your tombstone.
I need to think more about it, but at first thought, I want my epitaph to say something like,
That would be somewhat in line with an ‘everyday-walking-around-kind-of-life’ with Jesus. Another day with Jesus on that journey to eternity and beyond. 😊
A Third View?
Yes, there is a third view. And it is more important than the first two and more important than what anyone else says or thinks. It’s what God says about you.
How God sees you:
- your heart – does not judge based on your outward appearance;
- you are His workmanship;
- child of God;
- His sons and daughters;
- a new creation;
- light of the world;
- Holy and beloved;
- salt of the earth, and must I go on?
How Do You Want To Be Known
I would love to hear from you to know what you would want on your tombstone, in the comments below. What do you want to be known for today? Then you could start your morning out working toward that. Just like that epitaph – you could start out today, build on that tomorrow, and then the next day, until finally at the end, when it’s all said and done, that’s who you’ve become.
I graduated with bachelor of Social Work degree. Social Work mindset is “value-free!” So I was continually reprimanded by my highly educated instructors that I was in violation of that with my Biblical point of view in the classroom. When I went through the graduation ceremony I put this verse on my mortar board:
2 Corinthians 5:7 KJV
For I walk by faith, not by sight.
I put that for how I felt at that very moment, as I was fully trusting God with the next steps of my journey.
Challenge for the Week:
What are your next steps? What do you want to be said when it’s all said and done? Because when it it’s over, it’s over. OR IS IT?. So be it!