Okay, so the 12 Days of Christmas hasn’t happened yet. So shouldn’t we be preparing for it? For the coming of something with great importance is upon us. The religious thing to say about this is all in one word – Advent! Advent is the preparation for the coming of Christ. Let’s take a look at it.
The Advent Season is in the final part of the countdown as we prepare to celebrate the birth of Jesus. Just like some feel that we get distracted by all the Christmas hub-bub, I feel people get distracted by the rituals or traditions of a religious ceremony.
That Everyday Life
Okay, here it comes…. As you know, things like Advent, The Twelve Days, and other events and ceremonies are meant to be something that celebrates and recognizes our every-day-walking-around-kind-of-life with Jesus.
It’s like celebrating a best friend (significant other or spouse) and special events surrounding them that recognizes how special their relationship is to us – birthdays, anniversaries. Carmen and I met just over 19 years ago on Dec. 13, in person. After meeting online just a week or two before that! Jesus and I met 42 years, 8 months, and 20 days ago approximately. We all celebrate our life events. For me, it’s Carmen, our kids, and Jesus.
Advent = The Coming of Something with Great Importance
(the Birth of Jesus)
So the Advent Season is a way for us to celebrate our relationship with Jesus. It is all about reflecting on how we can prepare our hearts and homes for Christ’s birth. But don’t forget, He’s already right here with us. He’s already been born…it’s His birthday! So it’s a celebration of His birth and life. Don’t make Jesus say, “Hey, I am right here. You are talking about me but I’m right here with you!”
So the Advent Season, how does it work? It starts four Sundays before Christmas, so there are four weeks of the Season or celebration. One of the most symbolic parts of it is the Advent Wreath and Candles. It’s meant to be a reminder of life, a reminder of how it all came down to Jesus. So here’s an overview:
How Does It Work – Week 1
The wreath is made (or bought) with evergreens that reflect life and is a circle representing the never-ending (eternal) life. The lighting of the first candle takes place. The candle is purple and represents the prophets and prophecies about Jesus and the hope we have in this.
Jeremiah 23:5-6 niv
“The days are coming,” declares the Lord, “when I will raise up for David[a] a righteous Branch, a King who will reign wisely and do what is just and right in the land. In his days Judah will be saved and Israel will live in safety. This is the name by which he will be called: The Lord Our Righteous Savior.
Week 2
The second candle, purple as well, is lit and represents Joseph and Mary’s journey. More on this tomorrow! It’s quite the story.
Week 3
The third candle is pink and is the “Shepherd’s Candle” and represents joy as His coming nears.
Luke 2:15 niv
When the angels had left them and gone into heaven, the shepherds said to one another, “Let’s go to Bethlehem and see this thing that has happened, which the Lord has told us about.”
Week 4
The fourth, and traditionally the last candle lit (some light a fifth candle), is another purple candle for the final week focused on prayer and forgiveness as we wait for the birth of our Savior. This final candle, the “Angel’s Candle,” symbolizes peace, “Peace on Earth, Good Will Toward Men.”
Psalm 130:4 niv
But with you there is forgiveness, so that we can, with reverence, serve you.
During the Advent Season, you can get creative in your preparation by practicing your walk with Jesus in ways most don’t usually do. After practicing, then keep doing it all year round. That way it’s more of a relationship instead of a religious liturgy.
Other Advent Season Ideas
Here are some ideas that others incorporate into the Advent Season:
- Light a fifth candle. This candle is called the “Christ Candle” and represents the life of Christ. The color white is used for purity—because Christ is our sinless, pure Savior.
- An Advent Calendar with good deeds listed to do for each day:
- Call a friend you haven’t spoken with
- Visit a neighbor who lives alone
- Bring something special to your local homeless shelter
- Say a prayer for a different person each day
- Putting up a Christmas tree
- Lighting a Christingle
- Setting up Christmas decorations
- Another category for focus is music – this can really bring it home.
- Our way of focusing. Check out A Christmas Offering by Casting Crowns…
- Our way of focusing. Check out A Christmas Offering by Casting Crowns…
Advent Ends on Christmas Eve
This all culminates on Christmas Eve, as this day is the final day of preparation before the day of His birth. So now we are prepared mentally and our relationship with Jesus is appropriately focused. So now, the day of Christmas, the day he was born 2000 years ago, is now celebrated throughout the lands.
Our Lord, our King, our Savior, our friend! Let the festivities begin as we celebrate a life certainly worth celebrating – the birth and life of Jesus Christ our Lord!
Challenge of the Day:
What one thing can you do today to focus on Jesus and His upcoming birthday? Check your Advent Season list (even if you have to make it up right now) and surprise someone with a phone call or visit, or make a donation to a Christ-centered cause. I think that’s the gift Jesus would want for His birthday – something you can do to bring a smile to His face. 😊 So be it!