Take 10 people from the same country, from the same area of that country, all from the same neighborhood, culture, and socioeconomic status, and put them in a room together. Now ask them to write a paragraph on it. What is love? I bet you get just about 10 different answers from any such group.
Love (verb): to hold dear; to cherish
Over the ages, many have defined it. If you look up the definition you will find many variances. And are you defining it as a verb, an action, or as a noun? And to what level? Is it loving a movie or a car, or is it loving a person, and in what way and how deep is your love?
I like the simple definition above. It is simple and general. And I can apply it to many things.
What About Love
I am blogging on this topic because it is messed up. That’s right, it is a mess. Because of the fall of man, it has become a shattered image. Now it has been distorted.
Find a small mirror. Study yourself in it. And then take a hammer and lightly tap it so that it cracks. Now, look at yourself again. Your image has been shattered. It is now distorted.
You won’t want to miss my follow-up post on this. I will get into the nitty gritty of messed-up love. I will get a bit into relationships, romance, and yes, even sex. 😮
God is Love
And so the cool thing about God actually being love is because (God) never fails. So then love never fails…from God’s side of it. Richland sings about how God’s love is like thunder, check out his song and see why…
Challenge of the Week
Exam your love. Ask yourself what it looks like in your life. Does it have strings attached? How do you demonstrate it? Do you speak it, or are you just a clanging symbol? Are your words meaningless? Pick one person this week with whom you can practice and demonstrate love. Because Christ loved you so much He gave His life for you. So be it!