You’ve heard the phrase before, “With that said.” With that said, what one is saying is that there is more to be said. So with that said, let me explain what I am saying and how what is said is what I am saying and needs to be said.

…mic drop!
God’s Word
Did you know God’s word has substance? You can’t see it. It’s just words (but it’s not). But it has substance. And not only that, but it is the evidence of things not seen. You can’t see it, but His word is the evidence that it is actually there.
Hebrews 11:1 KJV
Now Faith is the substance of things hoped for, the evidence of things not seen.
Romans 10:17 KJV
Faith comes by hearing, and hearing by the word of God
So our faith, which comes by hearing (and reading) the word of God, has substance. Even though you can’t see it, it is the evidence of things not seen.
So what is it you hope for? Apply (speak and act on) the Word of God. It has substance, the substance of things you are hoping for. God’s word is more powerful than anything else. With His word, God created the world. And with His word, lives are literally transformed!
Hebrews 11:3 KJV
Through faith we understand that the worlds were framed by the word of God, so that things which are seen were not made of things which do appear.
He created the world, out of nothing! So He didn’t see some dirt, rocks, or other items laying around here and there. He didn’t say, “With that said, now let me see what I can find to make this work,” and then he picked it all up and start molding a round ball and somehow turn it into the earth. NOPE! He spoke it into existence.
Isaiah 55:11 ESV
So shall my word be that goes out from my mouth; it shall not return to me empty, but it shall accomplish that which I purpose, and shall succeed in the thing for which I sent it.
Is God’s Word Empty?
His word CANNOT return void. It’s not possible!
With that said, what are you saying? What are you speaking? And even more, what are you praying? God cannot operate outside of HIs word. So if your prayers aren’t getting answered, or you think it’s maybe, no, or not now, I challenge you to find where God’s word says or teaches that.
But on the other hand, if you are praying God’s word, speaking God’s word, and living God’s word, then why is it that you worry? Why is it that you don’t leave it in God’s hand? If you aren’t already, then why don’t you speak and act on His word and be at peace that His word is going to accomplish that which it was set out to do? I believe it will NOT return empty (void).
Nuf Said
With that said, regarding God’s word, it’s a ‘mic drop’ situation. Nothing more needs said. With that said, our response should be “nuf said,” or simply Amen.
According to the Encylopedia Brittanica, the Semitic root from which Amen is derived is “firm,” “fixed,” or “sure,” and the related Hebrew verb also means “to be reliable” and “to be trusted.” The Greek Old Testament usually translates amen as “so be it”; in the English Bible it has frequently been rendered as “verily,” or “truly.”
Challenge of the Week
Make a box, cut a slit in the top, and call it your “God Box.” Pick one thing that you are worried about. Write it on a piece of paper and say, “God, I cast this care (this thing I am worried about) upon you because I know you care for me.” I Peter 5:7. If you start to worry about it after dropping that note in the God Box, you have to pull it back out of the box and tell God that you are sorry, but you can’t trust Him or His word with it, I need to take it back. Yikes! This week, let’s leave it in the God Box, So Be It!
Comment below – what did you put in your God Box? I will be praying through it with you!