Am I the only one who didn’t see a way out? Being down and out with my personal life, my business or work, with my family, and even with my best friend. How many times did I see no way out? So today’s topic is, don’t count Him out.
Not By Sight
In scripture we are told how to walk. We are taught how to walk. But many are still baby Christians crawling through life, walking by sight instead of faith.
I am still working on my walk. God wants the best for me so He continually challenges me in trusting Him beyond what I ever thought was possible.
It is so easy for us to go by what we see. “That’s what it looks like to me,” we say. We even accept the worst like it was predestined, “I knew that’s the way it would be!” We believe what we feel, see, hear, and we even live by how we’ve been programmed to think. And we usually do all of this without even thinking about it.
Romans 12:2 AMP
2 And do not be conformed to this world [any longer with its superficial values and customs], but be [a]transformed and progressively changed [as you mature spiritually] by the renewing of your mind [focusing on godly values and ethical attitudes], so that you may prove [for yourselves] what the will of God is, that which is good and acceptable and perfect [in His plan and purpose for you].
The truth is God’s Word. Every part of God’s Word is Jesus Christ, the Word incarnate. Do not ever accept what you see, hear, feel, or think over the truth of God’s Word.
For Karen, it didn’t look promising. Her first pregnancy ended in a miscarriage. Being pregnant again, the same signs started presenting themselves. Check out her ‘God Story’ to see what the outcome was in A Baby’s Life in the Balance.
Counted Out
It’s easy to count ourselves out. I won’t even try to go through all the reasons why we do count ourselves out. But the one thing we can’t do is to count God out. I can’t count the times when God amazed me. My friend John Grunewald reminds me that it is a simple faith. We try too hard to complicate it with formulas and a series of steps.
God amazed me when He (think through your list):
- gave me new life through Jesus Christ though I was so undeserving
- brought me an amazing, beautiful Godly wife and amazing children
- restored my relationship with my best friend after 32 years
- used my wife and others to bring me back to God after being jaded for years
- healed me and performed amazing signs and wonders in my life and around me
- brought the most amazing mentors (Keith and Bridget Gaddis) to Carmen and me
- Add yours in the comments below – I would love to hear yours!
There is so much more that I can’t count them all. Carmen and I live life learning to trust God more every day and to walk in the truth of His Word. We are working at not walking by what we see, feel, touch, smell, hear, or think through the old programming of our minds.
Here is a passionate song by Brandon Lake, Count ‘Em about how amazing our God is. You can’t count ’em…
Challenge of the Week
Why is it so hard to believe that God wants you to live a full life? Matter of fact, He desires for you to live a full life. He designed for you to live a full life. He wants you in a position to reflect Him in the clearest way possible. So as bad as it looks, as bad as it feels, as bad as ‘they’ say it is, you have a choice. Are you going to believe and walk in the truth of God’s word? Or are you going to count God out? His Word is the light unto our path. So be it.