Carmen and I just returned from an annual owner’s retreat in Louisville. I am the business coach to a handful of owners who were in attendance. My eyes overflowed with tears of joy many times over. As owners shared their hearts, struggles, and victories, and joined together for the awards ceremony, I saw the heart of God.
The Heart of God – What Is It?
Can you imagine perfect love? What even is perfect love? Surely there is no such thing.
I John 4:18 niv
There is no fear in love. But perfect love drives out fear, because fear has to do with punishment. The one who fears is not made perfect in love.
Definition of Perfect Love:
Anything less than this, any demand for a return, transforms love into everything short of perfect. This is God and His love for us, giving to his Beloved – that’s us! His love – Perfect.
God’s Heart at Unexpected Times
God has opened my eyes to His heart. He wants me to see, know, and reflect His heart. God is showing me this in unexpected moments. At the owner’s retreat, one of the keynote motivational speakers called a young man up on the stage. His point was to show how to encourage someone. How to help them see what God wants them to see and accomplish with their businesses.
This young man, Eric, jumped on stage and played his role, then went back to his seat in the crowd. But during that time, I closed my eyes and saw what God was doing. My eyes welled with tears and I couldn’t stop the flow. God had called Eric on stage through Doc Rock and projected what he could not know.
After the session, I came up behind Eric and grabbed onto his shoulders. God had me whisper into his ear, “God said that was no accident that you were called up on stage. I (God) see your heart. You need to know that.” He shook my hand, said thanks, and that he really needed to hear that, and then he went on his way.
It Is Simple, Not Super Spiritual
I didn’t do that because I am super spiritual. You can do that too! I am the least of anyone to be like that. But God has whispered in my ear, in my heart, “You have my heart and you carry this burden with great honor and responsibility.” I can’t imagine how many opportunities I have missed, but as I continue to grow I’m getting better at this.
A Man of God Named Lee
I also saw a man of God, Lee, get up on the stage and share his heart. Not like Lee to do this. He has a deep, quiet faith and would rather not be in the limelight. Despite this, Lee pushed himself to the stage and shared a heart-moving testimony of how God helped him to stand strong.
As Lee took his seat Brandon Heath got up to lead us in worship. Before Brandon started, he thanked Lee for his testimony and shared how it moved him. What Brandon did was recognize that he saw and heard the heart of God.
Sometimes it’s hard to see, and other times it’s right there in front of us.
Seeing with Clarity
As we spend more time in our every-day-walking-around-kind-of-life with Jesus with the word of God hidden in our hearts, He will give us eyes to see. He will allow us to be able to see with great clarity His heart.
John 3:16 amp
For God so [greatly] loved and dearly prized the world, that He [even] gave His [One and] [a]only begotten Son, so that whoever believes and trusts in Him [as Savior] shall not perish, but have eternal life.
Challenge of the Week
In the heart of God, we find our truest home—a place of acceptance, grace, and unending love. This week let this understanding guide you, inspire you, and transform you, so that you may live each day in the light of His love, mirroring His heart to the world. So be it.