Yes, back in my Jr. High (Middle School) and High School days I was a big KISS fan. You can even check out one of my blog posts where I highlight it – My Story, Once Upon A Time. But that is not what this post is about. It’s about KISS – Keep It Simple Silly (so I don’t like the word stupid).
It’s Complicated
Simplicity – (noun) the quality or condition of being easy to understand or do. In contrast to something complicated.
Ever heard someone say, “It’s complicated.” Guess what? It’s true. Our culture has trained our brains to not see how simple it really is because it can’t be that easy. Ever hear people say, “It can’t be that simple.” Our brains have been programmed to make things complicated, according to Psychology Today and many Psychologists.
The Boss: “The secret to success is keeping things simple.”
Dilbert: “Do you mean simple in the absolute sense, or simple compared to the alternatives?”
The Boss: “It depends on the situation.”
Dilbert: “Sounds complicated.”
If It’s Not That Complicated Here are Some Simple Things You Can Do
Try the following:
- Overcommit yourself by saying yes to everything
- especially things that drain your energy
- Be controlling
- If things are simple you aren’t controlling things or others enough.
- Be Mr./Mrs. Negativity
- After all, taking responsibility for your own life is way too simple – be negative and respond to others with knee-jerk reactions. And remember, it’s not your fault.
- Spend more time with toxic people
- They will rub off on you and steal your simplicity.
- Are you a hater? If not, start hanging with haters
- Most haters don’t hate you; they just hate where they are in life compared to you. So let them make you feel bad about it, or just join them in being a hater too.
- Be a Drama Queen or King
- Have you ever seen someone specializing in this keeping it simple? Exactly!
- Don’t just worry about today, but about tomorrow too.
- This will steal your joy and anything simple before you start worrying.
- Hold on too tightly to everything
- You can’t live a complicated life if you let go of stuff. Hold on tightly! Or was that Hold on Loosely by 38 Special?
- Hesitate every step of the way
- Life is more complicated and sad if you have a bunch of “what ifs”
- Dwell on the past
- Make it complicated by wondering day and night about what might have been. By dwelling it keeps you stuck which adds to the complications.
- Cut corners
- Who cares if it isn’t right, and who will ever know? Besides, this will help complicate it for others and not just yourself.
- Avoid necessary conversations
- It’s too simple to just talk it over, or talk it out. Make it more complicated by ignoring it and letting others fill in the blanks and make assumptions.
- Ignore priorities
- After all, who has time for God, family, kids, and other ‘so-called’ important things? This will really help make it complicated.
- Procrastinate
- By getting things done and being productive….well, that’s just too simple – put it off!
- Create more baggage for yourself
- The less you have makes it too simple
- Compare yourself to others…
- …to others who seem better off. This will make you think less of yourself, so just compare yourself to those who seem less fortunate
- << add yours to the list below in the comments >>
Seriously Though…
Psalm 116:6 AMP
The Lord protects the simple (childlike); I was brought low [humbled and discouraged], and He saved me.
Psalm 19:7 niv
The law of the Lord is perfect, refreshing the soul. The statutes of the Lord are trustworthy, making wise the simple.
Hebrews 12:1-2a niv
Therefore, since we are surrounded by such a great cloud of witnesses, let us throw off everything that hinders and the sin that so easily entangles (all things that complicate). And let us run with perseverance the race marked out for us, 2 fixing our eyes on Jesus, the pioneer and perfecter of faith.
Challenge of the Week
Keep it simple silly – KISS. How? It’s as simple as keeping your eyes on Jesus – yes, that everyday walking-around-kind-of-life with Jesus. It’s that simple. So be it!