Well, hello and good morning! Have you ever contemplated, what is my purpose? If I had to write that down in a short statement what would it say? What is your purpose (mission) statement? May the following Words of Encouragement inspire you to develop your own mission statement.
We talked yesterday about God’s purpose and laying a foundation. So now we are going to start digging into that purpose. Let me start out with a heavy statement. You might be thinking, how does a heavy statement equal encouragement? Okay, so it’s not real heavy but a little startling.
Here it is – few people know their purpose, or have a ‘purpose statement’ for their life, and most people put more time into planning a one or two week vacation than they do in thinking through their purpose in life. Some people run their business or treat their job that way too. They just bounce from day to day and hope it all just magically turns out good without any rhyme or reason or planning (we call that busy’ness).

2 Corinthians 4:16-18
Therefore we do not lose heart. Though outwardly we are wasting away, yet inwardly we are being renewed day by day. For our light and momentary troubles are achieving for us an eternal glory that far outweighs them all. So we fix our eyes not on what is seen, but on what is unseen, since what is seen is temporary, but what is unseen is eternal.
What’s this verse have to do with anything? Tomorrow, I am going to dig even deeper on purpose and God’s passion for us, but for today know that in short, our main purpose is to know Christ…and to make Him known (the eternal). God’s heart is that He doesn’t want anyone to perish (pass away without knowing Him) but desires for everyone to turn to Him through Christ. When we are ‘born-again’ we grow into the likeness of Him (Rom 8:29). So two things for today on God’s purpose:
- Edification (spiritual growth)
- Being a reflection of Him as we grow. Some call this evangelism or spiritual reproduction.
That’s our foundational purpose, thus the verse – fixing our eyes on the unseen (where our purpose comes from) and not being distracted by what we do see (our senses and circumstances distract us – more on that another time).
Challenge for today – Leaders, that’s you (if you have influence on anyone, even just one person, you are a leader as leadership is influence), need more than just purpose and passion. They need to be passionate about the right things. What is your purpose here on this temporal earth while you visit here in your earth suit? If you have not developed a purpose statement in your life, ask God to guide you in the process of creating one that fits you (more about this tomorrow)! So be it.
Bonus Note – I get wound up about what I’m going to share tomorrow. In the meantime, if you have a purpose (mission) statement or decide to write one for yourself, I would love to see it! Please post in the comments below or send me an email.
Great Stuff Scott!! Blessings my brother I needed that reminded today!!
Bro. Dearman
Thanks John, I appreciate the encouraging words! Blessing to you as well as God expands your boundaries for impact.