Welcome to another day of persistence, in getting another step closer to your dream. John (Doe) is a know-it-all, don’t be like John. Let’s dig in to Words of Encouragement today and see what we can learn.
How much have you grown personally so far this year? I submit to you that people who intend on reaching their dreams are lifelong learners who commit to growth with the guidance of wise and seasoned people. Want to make progress toward reaching your dream? Be a learner!
Proverbs 12:15 MSG
Fools are headstrong and do what they like; wise people take advice.
If you don’t have capacity to learn more, even in your area of expertise, then you are done. You’ve arrived. Finished. Nothing more can be accomplished. That makes you a know-it-all. Ever met a know-it-all? Here are at least 11 ways to spot a know-it-all by Dan Rockwell – Leadership Freak:
- Their life’s a mess but they’re telling others how to live.
- They seldom take advice.
- They judge quickly.
- They’re brilliant at pointing out problems but reluctant to take action.
- They can always do it better, even if they’ve never done it.
- They talk more than listen.
- The more power they have the more they talk and the dumber they become.
- They establish adversarial relationships with people who get things done.
- They’re constantly thinking, “It can’t be that hard,” while watching others struggle.
- They haven’t failed big in the last five years.
- They expect more from others than they expect from themselves.
Don’t Be Like John
One of my personal favorites (and there are different personalities that fit this category but know-it-alls are definitely one of them) is they drain you of energy just at the sight of seeing them coming.
A persistent person who is wise realizes that any goal worth reaching will take time and effort. They know they will continuously be learning new skills and thinking patterns, many times requiring and willing to make a paradigm shift. They are always open to new ways, ideas and knowledge that they can incorporate into their lives, into their dreams.
2 Timothy 3:16-17 niv
16 All Scripture is God-breathed and is useful for teaching, rebuking, correcting and training in righteousness, 17 so that the servant of God[a] may be thoroughly equipped for every good work.
Being a learner, a characteristic of a persistent person, is a way of expanding your array of tools. Learners see it as a way to reach their goals more quickly, but they also see self-development as a way of life. Learning and continual growth do not end at a certain age or stage of life, but they are the essence of life itself, and therefore never-ending.
Remember Sebastian from The Never Ending Story? Coincidence? Not at all. As Sebastian continues to read and learn more, he interacts. And so the story continues – it’s never ending.
Joshua 1:8 niv
Keep this Book of the Law always on your lips; meditate on it day and night, so that you may be careful to do everything written in it. Then you will be prosperous and successful.
Challenge of the day: What can you learn today? What is that one thing you’ve been needing to learn to take you to that next level personally, work-wise, or as a business owner? What is it that you need to learn that puts you one step closer to your dream? Learn it. So be it!