Words of encouragement for your everyday life.
The Short Story:
Since March 23rd (2020), I’ve been sending out an email regarding Your Everyday Life to encourage those I consult within the franchise system where I am employed. It was meant as encouragement during trying times related to COVID. So I dedicated myself for one year to sending out an email Monday through Friday to keep the owners encouraged as well as keeping myself encouraged.
This started with those I coach (35 small business owners) and grew, due to requests, to just over 200. Now I have started blogging because I can’t get the urgency of the devotionals off my mind, off my heart.
In my writings, you will often see the phrase “this everyday-walking-around-kind-of-life” which was inspired by my relationship with Carmen (my wife), and was based on the song This Everyday Love by Rascal Flatts. I am encouraged by the word of God “by putting shoes on it” (as my mentor puts it for practical application) in my everyday life.
The Long Story:
This is an accumulation of learning, trials, temptations, mercy, and grace over the last 44 years. I’ve been in a lot of everyday-life things over the years: coaching and consulting with faith-based business leaders across the county; leading regional and national training for missionaries; leading ministries from outreach to pastoring; in training events under such greats as Billy Graham, Stephen M.R. Covey, John Maxwell, and Tony Evans.
It also includes everyday life with some of my good friends from my college days, my co-workers at Office Pride, my Mentor Dr. Keith Gaddis (his wife Bridget), and my wife, Mrs. Carmen Rene` Ramsey, and our four kids Michael, Sebastian, Lexi, and Elias – which is where my world starts.
I hope this in some way is an encouragement to you today.

Personal Growth – for your everyday life
Stretch yourself to achieve personal growth. Growing in your walk with God, you grow as a person. From that growth all other blessings spill out of you, affecting every aspect of your life, your everyday life!
I was a business owner in a faith-based business system (a franchise) for over 15 years. And now I am a business coach in that same franchise, since 2018. It is hard for me to not write something without paralleling it with business or work life. Some of the writings are very direct about an application to business or work. All universal principles applied to business or life has their roots in God, in scripture. There has been nothing new created in any business. This pertains to your everyday life.
A lot of the writings here have a great family application, and some are directly related to the family. Family is where it all starts. It’s about parents, siblings, children, relatives, and even the ‘church’ family. Family is where it all starts. It’s always about your everyday life.