Is this even a debate, “When does eternal life begin?” I think we are asking the wrong question. And the question itself has already been answered. So this should be an intriguing post today. And so eternal life begins. Wait, what question are we to be asking, and what question has been answered?
What is the Real Question?
Is this really a debate, the question…
It is generally believed that life is eternal. Most people and most religions believe this.
Ecclesiastes 3:11 NIV
He has made everything beautiful in its time. He has also set eternity in the human heart;
Pew Research Center found in their poll, details here, that 83% of Americans believe in some sort of afterlife (or eternal life). We know that God created Adam and Eve and that eternal life was the intention. There may be the question of whether that was in their original state, created from the dust of the earth, or to be transformed into their glorious bodies.
Eternal Life Begins After One Dies
Does it? It makes sense. In the meantime, we are living life on the finite stage. It’s temporary and comes to an end. So really, it is not eternal…until you die. Right?
Let me make a point here. Your life is eternal. So let’s say it starts when your physical body stops living. I like calling the body our earthsuit. Once we shed our earthsuit, we go on living eternally. The question is, will that be eternally in heaven (with God) or eternally separated from God for the rest of eternity (hell)?
Eternal Life Begins by Declaring Jesus as Lord and Savior
John 17:3 NIV
Now this is eternal life: that they know you, the only true God, and Jesus Christ, whom you have sent.
The Greek term for “know” used here implies a deep level of intimacy. Though we are saved only by grace through faith, not by actions (Ephesians 2:8), saving faith is more than intellectual agreement (James 2:19).
So to know Christ means to really know Him intimately. It’s not enough to know of Him, as in James 2:19. Now that is eternal life, believing who Jesus is, and knowing Him intimately.
This seems to indicate that eternal life begins before the shedding of our earth suit. Before our physical death. This also means that even before we declare Jesus as Lord and Savior, we are still eternal. Though eternal we are separated from God if we have not declared Jesus as Lord and Savior. This means we are on the path to being eternally separated from God. So do not mistake this,
But we can change that path from being eternally separated from God to eternally being with Him, in heaven!
Challenge of the Week
So the challenge is up to you. If in fact, we are already on that road to eternity a decision needs to be made now. For today is the day of salvation. Are you on the journey and path to eternity with God, or without Him? Choose (eternal) Life (that starts) today! If you are already on the journey of eternal life with Him, know that He is about life. Life with Him before and after the Sweet Bye and Bye is an amazing journey. So be it!