In a recent blog post, I mentioned the R-Factor. Today I want to break that down a little and help you understand how to gain a little control in your life. Are you a victim of circumstance? Are you tired of being a victim of circumstance? If so, then read on.

What is your reaction? As you can see, the monkey is a little shocked by whatever it is that is happening.
The R-Factor – Deciding Whether You are the Victim or Not
The R represents one of two words. Either React or Respond. To any situation, to any circumstance or event, or anything else in your life, you have a choice. You can either react or respond.
E = O (Event in one’s life = Outcome of their life)
Many people believe that a certain event in their life will determine the outcome of their life. We could use many examples of this. For instance, someone might say, “because my parents did this when I was little, it determined my fate as an adult – that’s why I am like I am.” They believe the event that took place in their life determined the outcome of their life.
E + R = O (Event + Reaction = Outcome)
But it is not just the event that happened. It is how you Reacted to it either then or now, or then and now. Your reaction to the event determined the outcome. So it’s not just E = O.
A Reaction is a Knee-Jerk Response
To react to something is to do something without thinking or without Emotional Intelligence. You quickly react to something and it compounds the issue. When you do this it produces a less-than-favorable result. It determines a not-so-good outcome.
A Response indicates a good level of emotional intelligence. Instead of reacting you are now thinking through an event, a circumstance, or situation and choosing to respond to it. This tends to produce a much more favorable outcome.
E + R = O (Event + Response = Outcome)
So at this point, you are learning to Respond (not react) to many and various events, circumstances, or situations. Now you are learning to be in more control of your outcome in life. You have chosen to take control away from others. You have chosen to determine the outcome of your own life. One more step though.
E + RR = O (Event + Reflexive Response = Outcome)
When you get to this level, you have become the master of the outcome. You now have control of the outcome. You have been in God’s Word. And now after much time, you have practiced moving from being reactive to now responding to various situations in your life.
The Word of God is in Your Heart
Out of the abundance of the heart, the mouth speaks. The mouth speaks truth into existence. When the Word is spoken, action is required. And now, because the foundation is based on the Word of God, the whole outcome has been forever changed.
It has been changed by your response to the circumstances in your life. The way you responded with the Word of God came from your heart and out of your mouth, and you acting upon that Word, has now determined and changed the outcome.
Luke 6:45 NIV
A good man brings good things out of the good stored up in his heart, and an evil man brings evil things out of the evil stored up in his heart. For the mouth speaks what the heart is full of.
As a matter of fact, you’ve been practicing so much at applying the R-Factor, that now it has become a natural reflex to respond with a high level of emotional intelligence based on God’s Word. You are now no longer allowing an event, series of events, circumstances, or situations to determine your outcome.
You Are No Longer a Victim of Circumstance – More Power to Ya!
Challenge of the Day:
Be in God’s Word. Put it into action in your life. Practice it! Allow it to become a natural reflex to all situations and circumstances in your life. Take control of your life. You are not a victim. So be it!