I am excited to share some words of encouragement with you today. That’s because I’ve accomplished some great things that I am very proud of. The greatest, breaking the chains. So before I fall (pride comes before the fall), let’s get started.

I’ve accomplished some great things in my life, but nothing compares to accepting Jesus into my life, in my heart. Next to Jesus, marrying Carmen is my second greatest success (points for Scott). And then there are our wonderful kids! 😊 But other accomplishments include karate-chopping blocks of wood in half, bending iron rebar with my bare hands, and breaking the chains.
Generational Chains Passed on From Family
Oh, I have lots of stuff I am not proud of. Lots of things I’ve done the wrong way unknowingly and knowingly. And then there are the generational chains passed on from family. The bright side of it? I learn. My brain is like a computer with algorithms, always getting smarter and learning from the last and combined failed entries to eventually put that data to use and reach my goals. So my brain is a little slower than most, but I am getting there.
I want to talk about learning to and eventually breaking the chains – and we are not talking small chains, my friends.
So it all started quite simply. I was brought up in the lower middle class with little encouragement educationally and no education financially. Alcohol was the answer, or at least the numbing factor to pain, anger, and ‘lostness.’ For more see The Story – Once Upon a Time post.
Dealing with Issues By NOT Dealing with the Issues
For my family, not dealing with issues (the chains that continued to strengthen) was the way of my family when I was a kid. It was ‘the family way’ as there wasn’t much anyone could do about it. To make it through high school was a great success as not all did. To get a blue color job and keep it was a great success. College never seemed an option.
As I journeyed through my lot in life as a kid, I was slowly sliding down the wrong path. I had no indicators in my life to tell me otherwise. But as luck would have it (luck?), some friends of mine were praying for me in high school. At the end of my senior year, before going off into the world, I accepted Christ into my life. This would be the first of many chains I would break!
In my journey, my everyday-walkin’-around-kind-of-life with Jesus, many more chains would be broken along the way.
Do You Want To Be Healed?
Remember what Jesus said to the lame man at the Pool of Bethesda. He had been lying there for 38 years – nearly 4 decades! One day, Jesus came by, looked him in the eye, and said, “Do you want to be healed?”
What about your story? The stories are simple, “I was there, now I’m here, and this is how it happened.” What are your chains that have/had you imprisoned? The chains of pain, failure, bitterness, unforgiveness, not being good enough, feeling lost, being a slave to the way it’s always been, feeling trapped and imprisoned, and running to all the things you know aren’t right but it’s all you know (like the lame man at the pool)?
Do You Want To Be Free?
Do you want to be free? Jesus is at the door of your heart asking. He is waiting. He is the chain-breaker!
So if the Son sets you free, you will be free indeed.
John 8:36 ESV
I can tell you in my own life, without a doubt, that this has nothing to do with what Scott accomplished. It’s all about Jesus being the great chain-breaker. And with the help of many He’s put around me, including a mentor who is a great yet humble man of God, I’ve come a long way.
I would hate to think where I would be without Jesus and those He has put in my life. He has done great work in allowing others to cross my path on my journey. I actually do think about that at times, where I would be without Him, and those thoughts are pretty scary.
Psalm 107:14 ESV
He brought them out of darkness and the shadow of death, and burst their bonds apart.
Challenge of the Day: Whatever it is, be set free today! And maybe, just maybe, Jesus wants to work through you to help others break their chains. So be it!