Ever entertain (hang with) an angel before? Me neither. That I know of. My guess is there are more people than we know who have entertained angels before. Maybe even you and me, though we never knew it. Let’s talk about entertaining angels.
Myths About Angels
Know that Angels are not cute little babies with wings. Nor are they pale-skinned-looking humans with wings. Matter of fact, it is a myth that loved ones go to heaven, earn their wings, play the harp, and float around on clouds after they die.
Matter of fact, angels were created before humans even existed. Angels are a spirit. Even so, they have been known to take human form.
Not Even Knowing
Hebrews 13:2 NASB
Do not neglect hospitality to strangers, for by this some have entertained angels without knowing it.
I heard an African American lady share her story at a Tampa Chamber luncheon a while back. She was the head of a large organization. She shared about being lost as a kid. Her mom had just moved her and her sister, both pre-teens, to Detriot back in the 60s. At 10:00 O’clock at night, her mom sent them out to go buy her some cigarettes. Two little girls, scared to death, left their little one-room apartment on the 8th floor. They knew they couldn’t come back to their mom without the cigarettes.
The first corner store owner they encountered turned them away and told them to go home because of their age. So the journey of finding cigarettes was on. From one street to another, one corner to another. Finally, they found a place that was open and sold them a pack of cigs.
But as they came out of the store, they realized they had no idea of how to get back to their mom. Then they saw a late-night rally going on as they approached an intersection. They walked up and as they did, a tall white man turned and looked at them asking, “Are you little girls lost?” They said yes.
He took them both by the hands and led them through the streets. He finally stopped and said to them, “This is where you live so get up to your apartment and let your mom know you are home.” As they turned to thank him there was no one there.
That was the most engaged I had seen a group of people at a luncheon listening to a guest speaker.
Angels Hanging on Back Bumpers of Vehicles
You’ve seen this before, right? I haven’t but I’m here to tell you they do. Twice now I know it to be true. Once was back in college. A group of us had just finished doing a Bible Study at a nursing home. We headed back to the place of one of the guy’s in our group. When we got there about 15 minutes later, one of the guys forgot his Bible. But before leaving to get it, we found it on the back bumper of his truck. An angel had held it there all the way through town until we arrived.
Another time was just recently. I knew for sure I had left my cell phone at the last place Carmen and I had stopped. Before backtracking to hopefully find where I had left it, I was prompted to get something out of the back of my Jeep. As I opened the tailgate up, I noticed my phone sitting on the corner of the back bumper. I just started laughing and thanked God for His angels hanging with me to assure my phone made it back.
Needed: Ministering Angels
I often pray for God to direct others across the path of someone I am praying for who may be struggling. Even ministering Angels if needed.
Luke 4:10 ESV
For it is written, “‘He will command his angels concerning you, to guard you,’
Hebrews 1:14 NIV
Are not all angels ministering spirits sent to serve those who will inherit salvation?
Whether it’s entertaining angels, or angels coming to minister to you, it’s a pretty amazing thing.
Challenge of the Week
Now you know a little more about angels. Pretty awesome! What will you ask God to have the angels do this week? The challenge is to look into God’s Word. Even angels operate (only) on the Word of God. That’s something we could certainly learn from them.
Ann & Fred Nichols(met Carmen on plane) says
Good article! Many times angels have shown up for us in different situations in our life, unexpectedly. We took a trip from Indy to Cincy, OH. We were in an older VW Beetle Ann’s dad gave us when he passed away. The car stopped “dead” at a 7-11 store. Very cold in the evening in Feb. Fred lifted the rear engine lid to see what the problem was. All of a sudden a man walked up behind him, ask what was the problem. The gentleman said he worked as a head mechanic at a VW house for years. He sat down with Fred on the ground, he had a wooden leg! He fixed the car. He gave us his business card, said if you have anymore problems, you are welcome to stay at our home.
Scott Ramsey says
Ann and Fred, thank you so much for sharing your encounter. They even come with business cards! God is certainly watching out for you, and the rest of us, tirelessly!