Good morning and welcome to Words of Encouragement. We are half way through the week, so fear not, the weekend is near.
Speaking of fear, let’s define Fear:
Fear (noun): 1: an unpleasant often strong emotion caused by anticipation or awareness of danger (my story below); 2: anxious concern; 3: reason for alarm : Danger
(verb) 1: to be afraid of : expect with alarm, fear the worst
Life Before Carmen (BC) – Fear Not
I remember in my past life BC – Before Carmen (she calls her past life before me, BS – Before Scott) 😊 I digress, I lived in a little farm house back in the mid-80’s on a little ‘farmette’ of 4 acres complete with a barn and farm ponds. I was really growing spiritually at that time and it was time for a test of my young faith.
This place I lived was out in the middle of rural Indiana and it was late at night. On a hot summer night (sounds like words from Meatloaf – I know….you young ones are thinking, “Meatloaf?”), the windows were open as I did not have air-conditioning – only making $17,000/yr. just out of college back then (1985).
I Was On My Own – Fear Not
In the quiet of this hot summer night, I heard someone walking past the open window – there was no mistaking it. I was not hearing things – I heard what I heard. And at that time, there were no cell phones, no internet, and computers were as big as your closet (so I didn’t have one). Believe it or not, I had to drive a couple of hundred yards down the road to a telephone pole to use a phone hanging from the pole. How many people can say that! 😊 But not that night – it was too far away and the situation didn’t allow it.
Well, I decided that I would “fear not.” A well-known myth is that the Bible says “fear not” 365 times – one for each day of the year – it actually has the word ‘fear’ over 500 times and ‘fear not’ a little over 100, but the intent is there. So I was using my one for that day.
Going Out to Face My Fears – Fear Not
“The Lord is my protector, perfect love casts out fear, and no harm shall come near my tent…or rented 4 acre farmette,” I reminded my wavering mind!! My spirit won out – I was going out to confront this unknown evil lurking around my house. So I slipped my shoes on and snuck out the back door – just my luck, no dust-to-dawn outdoor lights at my disposal either. I moved as though no fear consumed me, but my heart was beating out of my chest and it felt like my shoes were blocks of cement…I had no idea of what to expect.
I had no stick, gun or knife – just the sword of the spirit and helmet of salvation to cover my full head of hair (yes, I had hair back then). I moved around one corner of the house, and then the next. I could see the Outhouse around the corner in the moonlight by the pond, still stocked with corn cobs.
Then came the moment. Just as I was rounding the next corner, I knew he was there. I heard another footstep, but also heard the heavy breathing…and it wasn’t my breathing. I caught a glimpse in the moonlight, but I did have a flashlight, and as I shined it in the direction of his face, he jumped back….
My Knees Buckled – Fear Not
That was a moment I would never forget. As I dropped to my knees to catch my breath and the balance of my wobbling knees, I looked up once again, and then began to laugh. He whinnied and then trotted off to the middle of the yard. I think that horse was just as startled as I was. I grabbed my fear by the mane and led him back to the barn he had escaped from – I literally took my fear (okay so it was a horse) by my own hand that night and put it to rest!
I have to say that I felt pretty good (maybe others would say I was pretty stupid) about being able to face my fear that night. I still consider it a notch in my belt as a win over the enemy. Since then, I have actually chased after demons (but that’s another story for another time) so that was good practice. 😊
Okay, so this is a true, but light-hearted story. It didn’t feel like it at the moment. So what are your fears?
What are Your Fears – Fear Not
I want you to say this, “I will have no anxious thought or unpleasant, strong emotion toward…<<list your fears in the comment section below>> (i.e. certain people, certain terminal or other illnesses, the future, needs not being met, a particular situation or task, being alone, failure, feeling stupid, debt, being sued, not being loved…), for the perfect love that God has for me casts out my fear.”
I John 4:18a AMP
There is no fear in love [dread does not exist]. But perfect (complete, full-grown) love drives (casts) out fear, because fear involves [the expectation of divine] torment,
My Love for God is Still Growing – Fear Not
On that night, and many other times, I would have to say that my love for God still has some growing to do. But remember, even though Peter stepped out of the boat, he did begin to sink….but he stepped out.
Proverbs 12:25 niv
An anxious/fearful heart weighs a man down, but a kind word lifts him up.
Challenge for today: Be the one to lift another up who has a fearful heart. Find someone who has a heavy heart, and bless them with the loving and powerful word of God. You are a ‘lifter-upper!’ So be it!
Awesome to focus and know that God has this, whatever is your fear. He said you do what you can and cast your cares to me. I am working on the things that you can’t do in your strength. Thank You God for helping me to find my Peace in You…
Scott Ramsey says
Thank you Neil for the good words! No doubt, growing our trust in God to know and have the confidence that He has our back. Have a great day!
Great read for me today ,my biggest fear is my fear . And thank you horsie “ mr Ed “ for Scott’s lesson
Scott Ramsey says
It’s a fun lesson to look back on for sure Kellie! My first years were major growth years for me.
Carmen says
I am enough. I do not fear feeling less than, for I am enough and loved by God and that is enough for me. ❤
Scott Ramsey says
That is good enough for me. Great comment in sharing that God is indeed enough. Others are searching in all the wrong places.