Why is life so hard? Is life really that hard? Granted, we all have those mornings when we wake up and it is hard to get going. Or you finally get home only to be drained after a long day. And now I have to wake up tomorrow and do it all over again? Be encouraged, for God said, “Live!”

God Wants You to Live
It’s simple. God is life. He spoke life into existence. God said, “Live.” He gives life. God gives eternal life. To live is to know God. To know God is to know the giver of life.
Jesus Walked Out of the Grave
If this isn’t an example of the drive to live, then what is? Jesus didn’t have to die. He was/is God. Jesus chose to die on our behalf so we could live. He died so He could defeat death, that He would be raised from the dead and live.
Eternal Life
Jesus didn’t just come down and live among us to see how we were doing, but He came to give us eternal life. That we may live, eternally.
John 3:16 NIV
For God so loved the world that he gave his one and only Son, that whoever believes in him shall not perish but have eternal life.
Born Again
To be born is to live on this earth. What a precious gift. The gift of life. To be born again is to have life eternally, in God’s presence. In heaven. To live! Life!
John 14:6a NIV
Jesus answered, “I am the way and the truth and the life.
Most of us have heard this verse. A lot. So we know He is the way. And we also know the foundation of truth is built on God’s word. But life? We miss that part of the verse and underestimate it. Life! He is the life. It doesn’t just say He is living. He is life! Meditate on that a bit.
John 10:10b NIV
I have come that they may have life, and have it to the full.
The Power and Presence of God
The power and presence of God is so strong because that is who He is. He is the power of life. The power to live. In His presence there is life. Death cannot exist. Darkness cannot exist. To be in His presence is to live.
The Valley of the Dry Bones
What an example of the power of God. God tells Ezekiel to say to the Dry bones, “hear the word of the Lord!” God’s word(s) brings life. Then He goes on to say through Ezekiel the following…
Ezekiel 37:14a NIV
I will put my Spirit in you and you will live,
God’s Theme – Live
We see from the beginning and through scripture, that God’s theme is life. To live. Check out Rattle and be encouraged…
Challenge of the Week
Be about life this week. Be about living. And be about it beyond yourself. Bring life to others. Speak life to others. Be a reflection of Chist to others and allow Him to bring life through you to them. So be it.