As a kid, I had many fun places I liked to go to. Some of my friends, who may be reading this, will remember some of those places. Places like Green Grass Hills, The Railroad Tracks, Green Acres Dairy Bar, and the one tree in the middle of the farmer’s cornfield. There was also a Sumac Tree in my yard with some pretty sturdy branches I would climb into and sit and daydream. Today I am going to Arabia. Why don’t you come along?
The Prosecuting Attorney
Saul, before being called Paul, was the Pharisee of Pharisees. Though a tent-maker, he became the Jew’s Prosecuting Attorney. He was out to make an example of anyone and everyone to eliminate Christianity.
Saul was present with his approval at the stoning of Stephen, the first Christian martyr.
When Saul encountered Jesus, a major life change occurred. And now it was Saul whose life was being threatened. Soon after his conversion he wanted to learn firsthand from Jesus Himself.
Galatians 1:15-17 NIV
But when God, who set me apart from my mother’s womb and called me by his grace, was pleased 16 to reveal his Son in me so that I might preach him among the Gentiles, my immediate response was not to consult any human being. 17 I did not go up to Jerusalem to see those who were apostles before I was, but I went into Arabia.
Being Trained By Jesus
Notice that Paul didn’t just keep going (on his own power) after a strong start. He was going to Arabia.
I wonder what Paul’s time in Arabia was like. Paul wasn’t just going by blind faith. He already knew the kind of God he was serving. He just didn’t know Jesus. Now that He had met Jesus, close and personal, he was just as passionate about Jesus as he was about his Jewish heritage.
Time to Go
Now He was going to get it straight from Jesus. Smart move. He had a lot of knowledge in his head, as he was a Pharisee. And he had already connected with passionate followers of The Way. He was ready to go…or was he?
He decided to spend some time with Jesus, alone. So again, he was going to Arabia.
It can’t get any more intense than it was for Paul. He knew he needed to be prepared, for what was to come. How can we relate this to our life, day in and day out? Well, life does get pretty intense. So where are you going to prepare? Where is your Arabia?
Challenge of the Week
We are all preaching the gospel. This is done by reflecting Christ in word and/or by deed. We must prepare for our day, each day. Your Arabia is more of a mind shift than a specific place. The Challenge – it’s about going to Arabia every day. Once you spend time with Jesus, now you walk with Him. It’s about that everyday walking-around-kind-of-life. Be prepared, it could mean life or death. Don’t do it on your own. So be it.