It’s not about you but it is about the place/space you are in. Life is hard. So get over it. You must put yourself in a place where you can impact the journey instead of the journey impacting you. And all of this – despite your circumstances. Take that one step forward. When you feel overwhelmed with life, how can you be an encouragement to someone else in their time of need?

It takes too long to type out the scripture here, so you’ll have to click on the Acts link and read it from the source. But here’s the deal. Life is hard and full of surprises, good and not-so-good.
A Life of Hardships
The Apostle Paul endured many hardships. They include:
- Imprisonment: Paul was imprisoned for over five years for preaching the gospel.
- Beatings: Paul was beaten with rods three times and whipped with 39 lashes five times.
- Stoning: Paul was stoned once.
- Shipwrecks: Paul was shipwrecked three times, including one time when he was adrift at sea for a night and a day.
- Danger: Paul was in danger from rivers, robbers, Jews, Gentiles, false Christians, and his own people.
- Sleeplessness: Paul experienced many sleepless nights.
- Hunger and thirst: Paul was often hungry and thirsty.
- Cold and exposed: Paul was often cold and exposed.
- Anxiety: Paul was constantly anxious for the churches.
- Thorn in the flesh: Paul had a “thorn in the flesh”, which was described as the messenger of Satan.
Despite the above circumstances, Paul gives us great insight into the mechanics of encouragement. Paul worked at it. Here are a few things he did:
- He was assessable.
- Whether he was there with them or locked up in prison, he lifted them up (blessed them).
- To bless means to ‘lift up’.
- Whether he was there with them or locked up in prison, he lifted them up (blessed them).
- He made investments.
- He invested in time and demonstrated integrity.
- He spoke the truth in love.
- Particularly during the hard times. Showing support during the good times anyone can do.
- He prayed for them.
- Demonstrating genuine care and love.
- Action challenge – Pray for someone today ‘on the spot’ instead of telling them you’ll pray and then walk away.
- Demonstrating genuine care and love.
In Spite of It All
I know we have already visited this situation with Paul, as he did all of this during difficult circumstances. He was facing hardships (too many to list) and separation from friends often. Yet, despite his circumstances, he was always lifting others up.
Have you ever come across someone who really seemed to have it together? You liked and respected them because they, like Paul, were always encouraging others and you gleaned energy from just being around them.
Then one day, you heard what they had gone through – a hardship, a trial, difficult times, losing a loved one. But all the while you had no idea because it seemed, in the way they reacted and responded to you and others around them, that they had what we thought was a perfect life. “They certainly can’t be facing hardships or trials.” Hmmm! Sounds like ‘a Paul’ to me because Paul was always concerned and thinking about others and how he could lift them up. And despite his circumstances. It’s not about you but about others around you.
Maybe it is a little more like mercy and grace. More like Jesus, Less Like Me – Zach Williams…
Challenge of the Week
What do others see in you? When they see you, are they energized or are they already drained before you even get to them? Put into practice these things that Paul modeled – think the way he thought. As you demonstrate (not just talk) your care and concern with integrity, you will be a lift to others with your words as well as your actions. So be it!
Philippians 2:3-4 MSG
Don’t push your way to the front; don’t sweet-talk your way to the top. Put yourself aside, and help others get ahead. Don’t be obsessed with getting your own advantage. Forget yourselves long enough to lend a helping hand.
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This was an amazing read today. It really isn’t about ourselves, but serving others. Thank you for such an awesome blog!
Thanks Dre`, it is about serving others, right? Have a great day in being a blessing!