What limits have you put on your life? What limits have you put on others? And what limits have you put on God Almighty who created the universe? Did you know? Do you know? That God is limitless? Limitless, it’s time to let go!

Limitless (adjective) 1.without end, limit, or boundary:
Ever put limits on anything? How about on God? The reality of it all is that we all put limits on everything. Some people call it ‘control.’ Know anyone with control issues? Maybe it’s someone you know. Or maybe it’s you. I’m asking a lot of questions, aren’t I?
How to Train a Flea
Did you know that fleas have been known to jump up to 160 times their body size? Wow, that would be like someone six feet tall being able to jump 960 feet. They are designed with very powerful hind legs.
Do you know how to train a flea? Put a flea in a jar. And put a lid on it! After three days you can take the lid off and the flea will no longer jump high enough to jump out of the jar. After hitting the lid so many times while trying to jump out, the flea has now put limits on what it can do.
In our lives, we do the same thing. We go by what we’ve heard, seen, or known. Others begin to chip away at what we once thought possible but now doubt. Now we begin to set limits on ourselves, others, our business, and even on our God. Sometimes it’s simple. We are just way smarter than God.
A Limited Life
Most people have limited their life. They define what they can and can’t do based on their understanding. And people do the same thing to God. They put limits on what God can and can’t do. Even in believing God for a miracle, we limit how far He can take the miracle and what it should look like. We only believe what our minds allow us to believe.
Limitless – Believing God Without Limits.
I remember Mel Tari’s writings about the Indonesian revivals. As many miracles as the people saw at that time, they were still able to limit in their minds what God could do and wanted to do. On the other hand, the Indonesian people saw miracles beyond what most of us could ever comprehend.
Ephesians 3:20 NIV
Now to him who is able to do immeasurably more than all we ask or imagine, according to his power that is at work within us,
The Indonesian revival wasn’t just a preacher coming in for a tent revival (not that this is bad), but it was a true movement based on the limitless heart and mind of God’s people.
Did someone say revival?
Challenge of the Week:
Spend time listening to God, hearing from Him. Don’t limit what He wants to do in you and through you. How have you been limiting God in your life? Let go and let God. What does He want to do in your life this week where you have limited Him? He can do more than you can ever imagine or think. So be it!