Good morning, or is it? Maybe it is just a mindset. Or maybe you are just ‘willing’ it to be good. And maybe you are in a valley, you feel blah, and you are just overrating your morning to compensate for feeling that way, and it’s really not a good morning. Set your mind to it – let’s talk about it.

Sounds like we need some words of encouragement. The following are Scott’s thoughts on this subject….or are they God’s thoughts? Speaking of thoughts, the following is something to think about.
Is It God or Is It Me?
It is easy to confuse the difference of wondering if you are doing things in your own power or are you actually putting your trust and faith in God and moving by His power? There are things you want to accomplish…or is that God? Things He wants you to accomplish or is it just you?
I am thinking, should I do this or should I do that with my life? Is that me, or is that God? I think I am really good at doing certain things and moving in that direction, building my life around that, and getting it done. Is that God, or is that me?
What Are Your Motives?
When we are doing things on our own, will see a lot of pride, selfishness, and self-righteousness? Are there thoughts and behaviors in our life as described by Paul in his letter to the Galatians (5:18-21)? In our own power, motives will continue to be about our ways and the things that are more important to us than Jesus.
That’s only because we really don’t understand what Jesus has in mind for us, or we wouldn’t think or act on our own. What could be better than what the creator of the universe has for us? But how do we know if it’s God?
A couple of things to keep in mind…
Your Body
Your Mindset. I believe your mindset is crucial. Okay, there’s more to it than that, but this is where it starts. We are made up of Body, Soul (mind), and Spirit. The Body is simple – that’s our earth suit while we exist as aliens here on this earth….and you say you don’t believe in aliens. Well, you are one – you alien you! Scripture refers to us as aliens.
You are not of this earth, but you are on this earth for a period of time until Jesus takes you home. Our earth suit is vulnerable – it is not eternal. Things will happen to it, and when we are done with it, we leave it behind and go home (to the heavens and presence of God).
Your Soul
But the soul, that’s harder to separate, especially from the spirit-person of you. The soul and the spirit are like wet and water. You can’t have one without the other, though they do have different functions. Kind of like you being someone’s child and also being an employee or business owner – you are the same but seen in two different ways.
The Greek word for soul is psuche. This word implies our mind, will, and desires as seen in our personal preferences, choices, and emotional responses to life’s situations. Our soul is reflected in our personality. This is who we are here on earth and who we will be when we go home.
Your Spirit
The Greek word for spirit is pneuma. It refers to the part of man that connects and communicates with God. Our spirit differs from our soul because our spirit is always pointed toward and exists exclusively for God, whereas our soul can be self-centered. The joy, comfort, and peace of God’s presence can only be experienced through our spirit. This is the part we are continually lining our soul up with, our mindset if you will.
Keep In Mind
Another thing to keep in mind is that God created our soul (who we really are). And who you are, the way He created you, is unique and one of a kind for a purpose. You have things you can do that no one else can do exactly like you – there’s a reason for that. Set your mind to it!
So I believe it is up to you, in knowing God’s heart, what you need to do. To do what you are best at doing. And to do what it takes to become better at it. Becoming that for God, and allowing God to use that for His purposes – to impact a lost world.
Zechariah 4:6 niv
‘Not by might nor by power, but by My Spirit,’ Says the LORD of hosts.
Let Go and Let God
God can work with someone who is on the move. So my thoughts are running a mile minute on this. So I think I will finish up with a few more thoughts on this next Monday.
Challenge of the Week:
Are you doing what you do this week for you, or are you doing it for God, or are they one and the same? Go do what you do, learn to do it better, do it with God’s heart in mind, and give Him the glory for it. Set your mind to it. Get on the move. And go change your world you alien you! So be it!
I loved this! It was just what I needed to start the day. Bless you!
I loved this! It was just what I needed to start the day.
That’s great Chris. Glad it was timely. I always appreciate the feedback. Have a greatly blessed day!