Ever feel Powerless? The feeling of power comes when we feel we have control. When we do not have control, we feel powerless. Let us see if I can put a different twist on this feeling we call power … [Read more...] about Powerless
More To This Life
Why is life so hard? Is it really that hard? Granted, we all have those mornings when we wake up and it is hard to get going. Or you finally get home only to be drained after a long day. And now I … [Read more...] about More To This Life
Don’t Count Him Out
Am I the only one who didn't see a way out? Being down and out with my personal life, my business or work, with my family, and even with my best friend. How many times did I see no way out? So … [Read more...] about Don’t Count Him Out
Power and Influence – Being at the End of Your Rope
Okay, a raise of hands – who has seen power and influence leaving someone at the end of their rope? After seemingly being at the top, they had come to a place of throwing the towel in to quit, … [Read more...] about Power and Influence – Being at the End of Your Rope