As I sat on my couch thinking, my mind wandered toward business. This is what I do as a coach and consultant. I talk sales with business owners. The amazing thing for me? I get to do what I do in a faith-based system. God’s Word is the foundation from which I work. One of the main keys to success and reaching dreams is in the greatest salesman ever. Read on.
I want to draw a few parallels with sales. The greatest salesman ever? Jesus Christ.
Think Long-Term
This is not about making a sale. It is about meeting the needs of the customer. The moment you focus on what you are selling, you more likely will lose the potential customer. It’s about the relationship and meeting the customer’s needs.
The best sales professionals do not focus purely on making a sale, they look to build long-term relationships. You want your customers and clients to trust you and come back to you time and time again. Go the extra mile with your customers.
Jesus is focused on the needs of humankind. What He offers is needed by everyone. It wasn’t about selling us on heaven or His greatness. It was about us, and Him meeting our needs. For Him, it is about the long-term relationship for sure. Our need is for a personal relationship with Him. The need to be fulfilled is deep. The ultimate need is for eternity in heaven – never being separated from God.
Invest Wisely – Time and Money
For a salesperson to keep their job, being productive with their time is key. Knowing what is best for the customer, knowing what their needs are, and being able to produce makes a great salesman/business owner. Understanding your margins, your profitability, producing assets, and eliminating liabilities is a must.
Jesus made the most of His time. Therefore consider what Jesus did (and still does) to be very productive. Indeed He made the most of His time. Money? He paid the highest price anyone could ever pay. So why did He do that? It is because he wanted to meet humankind’s needs. And now, the assets He has created through His investment are reproducing and transforming changed lives.
You Have to Really Care
The best salesperson is devoted to growing the business. They have a hunger to find out everything they can about you as a potential customer. They care about your goals and dreams.
Jesus is devoted to growing your business and fulfilling your dreams. He really cares. And He knows that you will be reflecting who He is to others as you reach for your dreams.
Know and Believe in Your Product
Everyone needs their business to be cleaned and disinfected. That is the nice thing about the commercial cleaning industry as a business.
Jesus is in the cleaning business. Jesus paid it all. He made the ultimate sacrifice and investment in our future. This price He paid has cleansed us from all the dirt in our lives. He has cleansed us from our sin and put us in the right standing with our heavenly Father.
Use this song to reflect your thankfulness for the price Jesus paid for your life. He is the ultimate salesperson in that He fully met our needs and did not try to sell us a bill of goods.
Think of Opportunity
The opportunity to impact your customer, your employees, your family, and your world is the driving factor. Jesus desires for all to come to a saving knowledge of what He has done for us. He saw the opportunity to put us in right standing and impact our lives eternally.
Challenge of the Day: It is not about what you are trying to sell. It is about allowing Jesus to meet the needs of others. Be ready for His divine appointments. Because there will be both investors and those needing to get their needs met. Are you ready? So be it!