I often wonder what I am doing and how I am living in my parallel world. In a perfect parallel world, I would not be any different. But how can this be? Is there another world parallel to ours? Two of me? Isn’t one of me enough to handle? The parallel world exists…or does it?
The Evidence
Depends on what you are looking for whether there is evidence or just philosophical assumptions based on mathematical calculations regarding the universe(s). I did some research and found several “multiverse” proposals. Of course, they are unproven at this time.
Is there another me out there, or another “earth” that parallels ours? Some people think so. Some are just creators with imaginative minds who write movies or series on this interesting subject. Such as:
- Movies
- The Matrix
- The Butterfly Effect
- TV Shows
- Stranger Things
- Fringe
- The Flash
- Black Mirror
There are many more, but you get the idea. I want to think there is a perfect me out there somewhere else. And even the perfect world. But if it involves humans then forget that thought!
Hit The Brakes
<<tires scretching to a stop>> Okay, let’s just stop for a second. Maybe there is no evidence. Yet, maybe there is a parallel world. Let me have fun with this for a second, and follow me. I have some evidence on one particular universe.
Another Universe
There is another universe that directly affects us and so is, in a sense, parallel to our world. I asked if you would let me have fun with this. So in doing, I will use other words to say that the parallel world is this – the spiritual world (realm or dimension).
So the perfect me is the spirit part of me, connected to the spiritual realm. This is the me that is perfect, righteous, and directly in step with God. God the Holy Spirit is of the spiritual realm and is my helper. He speaks directly to my spirit man. The part of me that will live eternally in heaven.
John 14:26 AMP
26 But the [a]Helper (Comforter, Advocate, Intercessor—Counselor, Strengthener, Standby), the Holy Spirit, whom the Father will send in My name [in My place, to represent Me and act on My behalf], He will teach you all things.
But then there is the earthly me. The part of me that gets distracted by the things of this world. This causes me to take my eyes off of the perfector of my faith, Jesus Christ. Things like fear, the things of the flesh, letting what others say cause me to doubt, and more.
So Now What
We must reprogram. All of us, to a certain degree, have been programmed. Programmed by the world and worldly thinking with twisted scripture, well-meaning pastors and fellow believers, “Christian” Internet talk and teachings, and more than we are even aware of.
Romans 12:2 AMP
2 And do not be conformed to this world [any longer with its superficial values and customs], but be [a]transformed and progressively changed [as you mature spiritually] by the renewing of your mind [focusing on godly values and ethical attitudes], so that you may prove [for yourselves] what the will of God is, that which is good and acceptable and perfect [in His plan and purpose for you].
Colossians 3:2 ESV
Set your minds on things that are above, not on things that are on earth.
Do NOT determine what God can’t do based on how you’ve been programmed. Do NOT justify away scripture based on what you’ve been taught by someone else’s thinking. Don’t let the things you’ve seen, heard, or felt from our side of the parallel universe sway you. I’m sure we will never fully know everything before leaving this earth. But until then let us not limit who God is and what He can do based on our own biases. Let’s get in tune with the spiritual realm through which God speaks and moves.
Don’t explain God, and what He can do and wants to do, away…
Challenge of The Week
Do NOT just continue on your path and say, “Well this is the path I am on and what I know.” What if it is not really what comes from the spiritual realm, from God? If you like allegoric-type writing and stories, I challenge you to read Ted Dekker’s The 49th Mystic. Start a journey this week that will challenge how you see everything. Take a step closer to God the Holy Spirit and experience the spiritual realm like never before. So be it!