You may have recently watched the series, or seen it advertised, Resident Alien. It is about a small-town doctor who hides his extraterrestrial identity, and his secret mission, while trying to blend in.
Extraterrestrial Identity
In several references, the Bible refers to us, me and you, with an extraterrestrial identity as aliens.
Philippians 3:20a AMP
But [we are different, because] our citizenship is in heaven.
I Peter 2:11a AMP
Beloved, I urge you as aliens and strangers [in this world]…
Blending In
I cannot seem to get away from the concept or term, ‘earthsuit.’ In the book The Outlaw, Dekker refers to this as our ‘costume.’ These are references to the bodies, our bodies, that we live in while here on earth as aliens. I recently referred to this in Welcome to the Costume Party.
So we live in this world but are not of this world. We live in these earthsuits to blend in while here on the earth. But we must be careful about how we blend in. We are a part of a different household, God’s household.
So though we are resident aliens of this world, we are not aliens (or foreign) to God. We are fellow citizens.
Ephesians 2:19 AMP
So then you are no longer strangers and aliens [outsiders without rights of citizenship], but you are fellow citizens with the saints (God’s people), and are [members] of God’s household,
The issue for too many is that they blend in too much with this world. I am not necessarily talking about the way someone dresses or the way they wear their hair. Or the make-up or jewelry. But more the way people follow after the things of this world as if that’s what will fulfill them. Or even worse, making this what life is all about. There is more to this life, and it is in a full relationship with God.
Secret Mission
As aliens of this world, citizens of God’s Kingdom, our mission really isn’t a secret. It is just that too few take on the mission. The mission is about God’s purpose. His purpose is why He sent His son Jesus Christ to earth (does that make Jesus an alien too?). Our secret mission is to fulfill His purpose.
Not of This World
So no, we are not of this world. In our current state, everything is temporary including our earthsuits. We are resident aliens, blending in, with a secret mission. I couldn’t find a better song than this golden oldie by Petra, Not Of This World. Take a listen…
Challenge of the Week
Understand your citizenship. You are a Resident Alien. So be it!