The team I work with recently put together a big goal-setting workshop – gearing up for the next steps. Today I want to focus on the straw that broke the camel’s back – that one thing. Therefore let’s get into some words of encouragement.
Almost 70% of all small businesses fail within 10 years (1/2 within 5 yrs). And of those, only 9% ever make it to an annual revenue of $1 Million. And of those still operating, only 19% have more than one employee. Yelp noted that in 2020, with the COVID impact on small businesses, 41% of small businesses on their site have closed to date (SBA Office of Advocacy &
You’ve heard the phrase, “the straw that broke the camel’s back.” Well, that was COVID for a lot of businesses. Take a look at the picture below. What does that straw represent for you?
Now you know where that phrase came from! My goodness, it’s no wonder the straw broke the camel’s back. How much does that straw weigh? More or less, around 600 lbs. actually.
When I was a kid and I heard the phrase “the straw that broke the camel’s back,” I was thinking of drinking straws, not field straw. Remember the board game ‘the last Straw’ (pictured below)? So that would be funny to see…drinking straws on the camel’s back! If you put just one more straw on that poor camel’s back, it could break it. ☹
Okay, so I Googled it and Amazon lists 1,000 plastic drinking straws with a shipping weight of 12.8 ounces. To hit 600 lbs, you would have to have 800,000 straws on that camel’s back. And not one more, haha! 😊
Okay, so what is the ‘last straw’ or the ‘straw’ that broke the camel’s back? Simply put, it’s the one thing that pushes you over the edge. To mention a few regarding businesses not making it:
- Outmatched by competition
- No processes or systems are in place
- Lost focus
- Disharmony and a lack of trust in the team
- Lack of passion
- Didn’t use the network or didn’t do networking
- Burn out
The Straw That Broke the Camel’s Back – The One Thing
To me, this all points to, like that poor camel in the picture, being overburdened. Too many business owners (and for that matter employees of business owners) try to carry too much on their own shoulders or backs. No one can bear that burden for an extended time.
Today you hear people say “That’s the last straw” meaning enough is enough. You, nor them, can carry all that straw anymore, and now they’re done! Over and out! Carrying all that straw makes you lose your focus and your passion. It makes one crabby and salty. You lose quality and then your competitors begin getting your customers because you aren’t caring for them. Now your back is truly broken, along with your goals and dreams.
Know this, Jesus will give you rest from your burdens, for His burden is light. I was thinking, if His burden is light maybe ours should be. He tells us to “learn’ from Him after all. If your life, your business, and your relationships aren’t built on a biblical foundation, it’s sinking sand. And by the way, all ‘universal principles’ are founded on and from biblical principles.
Matthew 11:28-30 niv
“Come to me, all you who are weary and burdened, and I will give you rest. 29 Take my yoke upon you and learn from me, for I am gentle and humble in heart, and you will find rest for your souls. 30 For my yoke is easy and my burden is light.”
Lift the burden upon your employees by giving them the capacity to operate. “Narrow the focus,” applies to you AND your employees. With many hands the burden is lighter, you will get more efficient work done, and everyone will be more energized.
Galatians 6:2 niv
Carry each other’s burdens, and in this way you will fulfill the law of Christ.
Challenge of the day: Don’t be that camel that is at a back-breaking point. If you see someone else at a breaking point remember that Jesus can lighten their burden. How can God use you to help your team or family? So be it!