Let’s talk about The Truth. A loved once one asked me, “Why can’t the Bible be rewritten to fit today?” I thought about this momentarily, making a silent plea for God to give me the words I needed. How do I adequately explain it?
So, I took a deep breath and began…
Think of it this way; say we could rewrite the Bible, and we rewrite it to fit what society tells us it is at that time. Say you are in one hundred percent agreement with what society says it is. Great. Right?
Well, fast forward a few years, you’ve become older and gained some life experience and knowledge. Society rewrites the Bible again. You disagree with it. Is it still the truth? Society will tell you it is relative and subjective to circumstances or the times. Society wants you to believe it is a moving target, constantly changing and shifting. God’s word does not change, it is not subjective nor is it relative, His word is truth.
John 1:1 KJV
In the beginning was the word, and the word was with God, and the word was God.
The world will tell you to find your truth. The problem with this is that we are flawed by sin. As people, we have the innate ability to justify anything. I mean, come on, I know I’m not the only person, ever, who has rationalized something away because it sounded better. Full disclosure and most honest, I rationalized until I felt better about myself, and the choice I made, or thing I did.
But the whole time, I knew in my heart what I did was wrong. That feeling; that knowing in your heart – that is God speaking to you intimately and personally – that is Truth.
Jesus – The Truth
Jesus was Truth in the flesh. He was the physical manifestation of God on Earth. He led by example, by living a perfect and blameless life.
John 1:14
And the Word became flesh and dwelt among us, and we have seen his glory, the glory as of the only Son from the Father, full of grace and truth.
The Spirit – The Way
The Spirit is Truth within us. And the Spirit is God inside of us, guiding us in what is truth.
John 16:13
The Holy Spirit will guide people into all truth.
The Word – The Life
The Bible is Truth in Word. It is where God’s laws are written, but more importantly, it is where the reader sees God’s character.
Proverbs 30:5
Every word of God is flawless…
Iron Sharpens Iron
The “church” is another place to find The Truth. No, not the building, but where two or more are gathered in His name, there He is. When in doubt, ALWAYS go back to Jesus. The Spirit. The Word.
Hebrews 10:25
Believers should continue to gather together and encourage each other as the day of the Lord approaches.
Challenge of the Week
Your relationship with God is between you and Him and no one else. It isn’t a general consensus. It isn’t majority rules or mass mentality. And it definitely isn’t a popularity contest. The truth doesn’t shift, nor does it change. People change. God does not. When it is our time to meet our heavenly Father, it won’t matter what other people think we should do or think. It will only matter what our relationship is with our Father. Did we love Him and love others? That is The Truth. So be it!
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