It’s time to get past “the way I see it” in my life. Why do I even pretend to comprehend the mind of Christ? God’s power, understanding, and grace are well beyond my comprehension. I can certainly figure things out on my own. I can find provisions for myself and my family. For the most part, I can protect myself. I’ve done well enough figuring things out. Not as well as some, but I’ve done okay. It’s the way I see it. It is time to change that.

I See It Differently
What if we could see what is seen differently? I am talking about seeing what we see through the eyes of our heavenly Father. I wonder if we tend to claim that God sees what is seen the way you or I see it instead of us seeing it the way He sees it.
The Pharisees thought they had God figured out. They believed that God saw things the way they saw things. They had it down (the law), all the way to the loopholes! But did God see it their way? I am guessing that God did not see it as they did or Jesus wouldn’t have so ruffled their feathers.
In Agreement with Others
The manifestation of the power we wield through our beliefs and agreements (both collective and individual), is happening every moment of every day, though most are blind to it. We would be shocked about what we agree to with others and what is manifested from it. We hook up with others all the time not knowing the spiritual implications.
I coach with a business owner who is a straight shooter. She often will say, “I’m not playing.” With the word of God, I believe God would say to us, “I’m not playing.” In other words, do not be foolish but know the will of God (His Word).
Romans 12:2 AMP
And do not be conformed to this world [any longer with its superficial values and customs], but be transformed and progressively changed [as you mature spiritually] by the renewing of your mind [focusing on godly values and ethical attitudes], so that you may prove [for yourselves] what the will of God is, that which is good and acceptable and perfect [in His plan and purpose for you].
Ephesians 5:17 AMP
Therefore do not be foolish and thoughtless, but understand and firmly grasp what the will of the Lord is.
His words are biblical principles that are at work in the universe. Be careful how you use the Word of God. Be careful who you are agreeing with. And by all means, be cautious about what you agree to.
It Is The Way I See It
In putting the previous paragraphs together logically (the way we’ve been taught to see it; agreeing with the way others see it; and believing what we’ve seen ourselves) all come together to convince us that this is how God is. Yep, we’ve got Him figured out!
But most don’t flow in the miraculous (the supernatural as God does) because they are bound to their earthen vessel (earth suit – costume while here on earth), and the laws of physics in agreement with collective observation (by what they and others see and feel).
Mathew 18:18-19 NIV
“Truly I tell you, whatever you bind on earth will be bound in heaven (the dimension here now though unseen by earthly eyes), and whatever you loose on earth will be loosed in heaven.
“Again, truly I tell you that if two of you on earth agree about anything they ask for, it will be done for them by my Father in heaven.
The Way God Sees It
God sees it through His Word. His Word is the light. And His light is us and is in us. His light, His Word, when we expose ourselves to it, brings clarity to who He is, and who we are in Him. This in turn allows us to know the will of God, and to walk in it…the way He sees it.
Check out what Cade says about his song, Eyes of God. Then take a moment to listen to it.
Challenge of the Week
The challenge is to see ‘it’ with the eyes of God. Whatever ‘it’ is, no matter how bad ‘it’ is or how bad ‘they’ are, see ‘it’ and ‘them’ through the eyes of God. How do you take on and meet this challenge? With clarity of who God is. And how do you get clarity on who God is? Clarity comes from feeding on His word and spending time with Him. To know Him is to really know Him. So be it.