Okay, today we are going to practice walking on water. What? You’ve never done that before? Time to give it a shot. Let’s talk about walking on water.

Test of Faith
I’ve tested my faith a couple of times with seemingly no results. Ever feel that way about your faith? Oh, I know all of the right formulas, scripture, people, and even God. Let me share a couple of my experiences with you.
The Storm
There was the time years ago that storms were coming through my area. There were tornado watches, high winds, hail, and nasty looking mixture of green and dark ominous clouds swirling in the sky.
So what did I do? I went out into the yard, leaned into the wind, lifted my hands toward the sky, and commanded the winds to cease and the storm to calm. See my blog post on What is Your Level of Dependence for more on this story.
The Demons
Another time my friend Jeff Lee and I went to save a friend from what was reported as demonic activity. Jeff and I hooked up and went over to Mike’s second-story apartment. As we were walking toward the apartment Jeff, a gifted man of God, described what he was seeing. He saw demons fleeing. And he saw demons jumping off the outside stairs and off the balcony, and running into the field. Then he saw windows bowing from demons escaping from the apartment.
Me? I just marched forward in my authority of Jesus’ name as a child of God, walking by faith. I couldn’t go by my feelings, my sight, what I heard, or even by the odd smells. Those were all distractions. We were there to save our friend.
The Thief
Then there was the time when I lived in the middle of nowhere on a small farm. It was late at night and I was there by myself. It was a hot summer night. The windows were open as I had no air conditioning.
It was then that I heard someone walking beside the house. Just enough ruffling of the leaves to catch my attention, though barely loud enough to hear. That caught my attention, trust me! Time to put my faith into action. For more, check out my post Fear Not.
The Sea Shell
One more story. As you know Carmen and I love to walk the beach at Honeymoon Island. That particular day I really wanted to find a big Conch shell. It was low tide so I walked out farther than normal, hoping to find one. I prayed, even commanded the waves to deliver one at my feet.
You will never grow if you don’t put your faith into action.
Challenge of the Week
Test, or give your faith a try. What one thing can you apply your faith to this week? God will give you opportunities. Don’t miss them! Action gives your faith life. So be it!