Today we are going to discuss the fact that what goes around comes around. It is a form of the law. The Law of Cause and Effect that is.

Phrases used to describe the Law:
- You got what you deserved
- The chickens have come home to roost
- Good or Bad Juju
- You make the bed, you lie (lay) in it
- Payback time
- You reap what you sow
- Live by the sword, die by the sword
- You got what you had coming
- Poetic Justice
- Add your phrase in the comment section below.
I am sure there are more, but you get the point. I always like to point out that there is nothing new under the sun. Someone didn’t invent Karma. It was a natural law of what God spoke into existence from the beginning of time. What goes around comes around.
Biblically Karma is…
“Whatsoever a man soweth, that shall they also reap.”
Galatians 6:7-8 MSG
What do people do that deserves karma?
The Answer Is… Everything!
That is because it is a natural law. Someone, or even God, doesn’t have to look for certain situations to “make it happen.” It is a natural consequence. It is just like the Law of Reciprocity, or the Law of Diminishing Return, or the Law of Gravity.
I believe this law, if understood, can cause several different reactions and/or responses (the R-Factor), which then puts us in control of the outcome.
If we know what might come back on us, that every action has a consequence (good or bad), it might cause us to more carefully consider what actions we are going to take. Or to consider how we are going to respond to someone else’s actions. This, in so many words, is deciding our own fate. The outcome of our karma. They deserve what they will get, and we deserve what we will get. So choose your actions carefully.
The R-Factor Puts You in Control
But there’s another action that we can choose in response to others. Let’s close today with that thought – how we should react…. or respond?
Two things. The first? Seek first to understand, then be understood (Covey’s 7 Habits). Biblically this means talking less and listening more. Understanding the other side. Considering we don’t know what we don’t know (one of those phrases) …. about someone else’s life or situation. Once this is done, then respond with wisdom and emotional intelligence – be understood.
Second? Grace. Grace is the opposite of karma. Karma is all about getting what you deserve. Grace is getting what you don’t deserve.
Ephesians 2:8-9 niv
For it is by grace you have been saved, through faith—and this is not from yourselves, it is the gift of God— not by works, so that no one can boast.
Most people rather see karma happen, getting what someone deserves, instead of grace being applied. It’s more fun seeing someone getting what they deserve, “Ha, take that!” “That’s what they deserved!”
But isn’t that what the Pharisees said about the adulterous woman? Then Jesus said, “All right, but let the one who has never sinned throw the first stone!” – John 8:7. And they all walked away.
We all deserve karma. We will all get karma. None of us deserve grace. But we’ve all been given grace. But then we act as we do toward others? Oh my! My finger is pointing at me – guilty. At who is your finger pointing?
Challenge of the day:
When you find yourself wanting to see bad karma happen to someone else, consider what you don’t know…and give a little grace – just like you were given by a gracious and loving God when you (and I) deserved (spiritual) death. What goes around comes around. So be it!